The Tomorrow Teacher LLC
Terms of Use
Last updated: Aug 1, 2023.
These Terms of Use (the “Agreement”) are a legal contract between you (“you,” “user,” “Teacher,” “School or District Employee,” “Parent,” or “Student”) and The Tomorrow Teacher LLC. (“The Tomorrow Teacher,” “we,” “our,” or “us”), having its primary office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Please read these Terms of Service carefully before using the Services (as defined herein) offered by The Tomorrow Teacher, which owns and operates the Product and Website (as defined herein). BY REGISTERING TO USE THE SERVICES IN ANY MANNER, YOU AGREE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY AND A PARTY TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHER TERMS. If you do not unconditionally agree to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you have no right to access or use the Services. Use of the Services is expressly conditioned upon your assent to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to the exclusion of all other terms. If the terms of this Agreement are considered an offer, acceptance is expressly limited to such terms.
Thank you for your interest in using The Tomorrow Teacher’s Services. This agreement contains both terms that apply to you as a general user of the Services, as well as terms that may apply to you as a specific type of user of the Services, including Teacher, School or District Employee, Parent, or Student.
By using our Services, you represent and warrant to The Tomorrow Teacher that:
You are an individual and not a corporation;
You are at least 18 years of age or, if you are not at least 18 years of age, your parent or legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to this Agreement on your behalf;
You are either a Teacher in a classroom setting, a School or District Employee, a Parent (or legal guardian) who wishes to use the Services, or a Student who wishes to use the Services;
All registration information you submit is accurate and truthful;
You will maintain the accuracy of such information; and
If you are accepting this Agreement on behalf of an institution, company, or other legal entity, you have the authority to bind that institution, company, or legal entity to this Agreement. You also certify that you are legally permitted to use and access the Services and you take full responsibility for the selection, use of, and access to the Services.
This Agreement is void where prohibited by law, and the right to access the Services is revoked in such jurisdictions.
A. Definitions
As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following definitions regardless whether used in their singular or plural form:
“Agreement” shall mean these Terms of Use.
“Consent” shall mean advance written consent from all parents whose children will be accessing the Services.
“Content” shall mean all materials displayed or performed as part of the Services, including but not limited to text, graphics, articles, photographs, images, videos, animations, illustrations, music, sound effects, Quest stories, and any other intellectual property owned by The Tomorrow Teacher LLC. Content does not include User Submissions, Education Records, or Personally Identifiable Information.
“School or District Employee” shall mean any school or district employee who is authorized to use the Services but who is not working with students in a licensed class, and may include members of school or district administration and employees or agents of the school or district working within the school system.
“Education Records” shall have the meaning ascribed to by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and include records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to a student, and are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution (see 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)).
“Licensed Class” shall mean one set of course materials taught to one group of students at the same time in the school indicated in the teacher registration process or, if modified, in the teacher profile, during the term of the license agreement.
“Licensed Classes” shall mean any (all) Licensed Class(es) taught by the teacher or teachers using a Teacher User ID associated with this agreement.
“Parent(s)” shall be defined as
the lawful and natural father or mother of a minor
the lawfully adoptive father or mother of a minor, or
the legal guardian of a minor, who is a student in a Licensed Class.
“Payment Method”. In the case of an individual Teacher license, the Payment Method shall be selected by the Teacher upon initiating this agreement, and may be changed at any point thereafter, but must be one of the methods currently offered by The Tomorrow Teacher in its sign-up process, which may change from time to time.
“Personally Identifiable Information” shall have the meaning ascribed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and include information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity either directly (such as a student’s or other family member’s name) or indirectly (such as a student’s date of birth, place of birth, or mother’s maiden name) (see 34 CFR § 99.3).
“Personal Information” shall have the meaning ascribed by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and include individually identifiable information such as: first and last name; physical address; online contact information; user name; telephone number; Social Security number; persistent identifier that can be used to recognize a user over time and across different websites or online services; media containing a child’s image or voice; and geolocation information sufficient to identify street name and name of a city or town (see 16 CFR § 312.2).
“Product” shall mean The Tomorrow Teacher software application, accessible at thetomorrowteacher.org/dix
“Privacy Policy” shall mean The Tomorrow Teacher’s current Website and/or Product Privacy Policy, as indicated, which can be consulted at www.thetomorrowteacher.org/privacy-policy, as amended, supplemented, restated, and/or updated from time to time.
“Services” shall mean The Tomorrow Teacher Product, Website, and domain name, all other websites and domain names affiliated with The Tomorrow Teacher and any other linked pages, features, content, or application services offered from time to time by The Tomorrow Teacher, and shall include, without limitation, any service The Tomorrow Teacher performs for you and the Content offered by The Tomorrow Teacher on the Product, Website, or any other platform.
“Student” shall mean any user who is registered as a student in the Product. Student accounts are set-up and managed by Teachers from within the Product and cannot be created in any other way.
“Teacher” shall mean any user who is registered as a teacher in the Product and may include teachers, paraprofessionals, aides, substitute teachers, behavior specialists, or other school employees working with students in a Licensed Class.
“Third Party Integration Partner(s)” shall mean any third party platform which is integrated with the Product or which the Product is integrated with to exchange data, which may include Content and Personal Information and/or Personally Identifiable Information, between the platforms. Integration purposes may include rostering, single sign-on (SSO), and awarding/removal of points. No integration of the Product will be established with a Third Party Integration Partner without the permission of the Teacher or school or district administration. A list of Third Party Integration Partners can be found here.
“User” shall mean any user contemplated by this Agreement, including Teacher, Student, Parent, and/or School or District Employee users.
“User ID” shall mean a password and username for the user’s access to the Services.
“User Submissions” shall mean any information or media posted by or on behalf of the User via the Product, Website, or Integration Partner(s), including, but not limited to, in-Product communications, text, graphics, articles, photographs, images, videos, animations, illustrations, music, sound effects, assignments, quizzes, awarding and removal of points, use of powers or privileges, and customization of features.
“Website” shall mean the thetomorrowteacher.org website and any public facing The Tomorrow Teacher affiliated websites, not including the Product.
B. Ownership and Access to the Services
The Services are owned and run by The Tomorrow Teacher.
The Tomorrow Teacher grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use and access the Services for the purposes defined herein.
The Tomorrow Teacher may alter, suspend or stop all or any part of the Services at any time, may place limits on certain features and services, or may limit your access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability.
The Tomorrow Teacher reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify this Agreement at any time by posting a notice on the Services or sending you a notice via email before adopting any modifications, as outlined in The Tomorrow Teacher Product Privacy Policy. You are responsible for reviewing and familiarising yourself with any such modifications. Your use of the Services following such notification signifies your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement as modified.
You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining any equipment or ancillary services needed to connect to, access, or otherwise use the Services, including, without limitation, modems, hardware, software, projection equipment, internet access, and telephone service, and shall be responsible for ensuring that such equipment or ancillary services are compatible with the Services.
You acknowledge that you are responsible for the security of your user ID and password and agree to keep these confidential. Also, you agree not to issue Student, Parent, or School or District Employee access in an insecure manner, or to Students or Parents of Students who are not part of your class.
C. Scope and Term
Teacher User
You are authorized under this Agreement to use the Services for Licensed Classes only.
You are licensed to access the Services from a maximum of two devices simultaneously.
You agree not to allow others to use your Teacher User ID for classes other than the Licensed Classes covered by this agreement.
Parent User
You are authorized under this Agreement to use the Services for the related Student account only and that your use will terminate when the related Student account is terminated.
There will be no charge to use the basic services offered to Parents. These services may be redefined and may change from time to time without notice at The Tomorrow Teacher’s sole discretion.
Student User
You are authorized under this Agreement to use the Services for Licensed Classes only.
School or District Employee User
You are authorized under this agreement to use the Services for Licensed Classes only.
D. Teacher’s Role and Responsibilities
Role as Teacher
You acknowledge that as a Teacher you may be responsible for granting access to the Services to the Students in the Licensed Classes and their Parents. You agree that access to the Services will not be granted outside yourself, the Students in the Licensed Class and their Parents, or School or District Employee users (if applicable).
You acknowledge and agree to supervise Students’ access to the Services to ensure that the Services will be used in accordance with these Terms of Use.
The Tomorrow Teacher recommends that you print a copy of these Terms of Use and a copy of the Product Privacy Policy for each minor Student to bring to their Parent(s).
You are responsible for monitoring and managing all User Submissions related to Students in your Licensed Classes. The Tomorrow Teacher does not monitor or manage User Submissions and is not responsible in any way for User Submissions. You accept sole responsibility to ensure that such User Submissions meet the following guidelines:
User Submissions must not include any communication or solicitation designed or intended to obtain password, account, or private information from any user of the Services.
User Submissions must not include any illegal material, including any material that may be considered threatening or obscene.
User Submissions must not include any software or software code that may be executed from within the Services.
You may be responsible for issuing invitations to participate in the Services to Parents, thereby giving them access to the Student information for their child, children, or any minor for whom they are legally responsible. You agree that you will not issue such invitations to anyone other than the Parents of your Students as defined in this Agreement. You acknowledge that these invitations are designed to grant access to the personal information of the related Student(s), and that failure to comply with this section will be a breach of The Tomorrow Teacher Product Privacy Policy and may result in termination of this agreement.
You acknowledge that you are the manager of all aspects of the Services within your Licensed Class(es), including all customizable features, all awarding of either positive or negative consequences, and all in-class and in-Product dialogue and communication of any sort between yourself and Students and/or Parents.
You agree that you will execute your responsibilities in the immediately preceding section in a diligent, fair, and equitable manner without misuse or abuse of the power. The Tomorrow Teacher reserves the right to terminate the license of any Teacher who The Tomorrow Teacher determines has misused or abused this power. The Tomorrow Teacher shall have complete and final authority in this matter.
Notice to Users in the United States Regarding COPPA and Parental Consent
Under the United States’ Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), online service providers such as The Tomorrow Teacher must provide parental notification and obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13, except in limited situations (for exceptions to this consent requirement, please see 16 CFR § 312.5(c)). Except as expressly set forth in Section D.2.2 below and in our Website and Product Privacy Policies, The Tomorrow Teacher does not knowingly collect such personally identifiable information from a child under the age of 13.
As outlined in our Product Privacy Policy and Direct Notice to Educational Institutions, The Tomorrow Teacher may collect certain personal information, such as a Student’s first and last name, username, and email address, but only for the benefit of the school in terms of the Student’s participation in using the Services for the Licensed Class and for no other commercial purpose. The Tomorrow Teacher will not collect such personal information from a child under the age of 13 unless that child's Teacher or Teacher’s school or school district have agreed to obtain the required parental consent pursuant to Section D.2.3 below. If such personal information is collected without parental consent or collected beyond the scope needed for participation in the Services, The Tomorrow Teacher will delete such information as soon as possible. If you believe that information from a student under the age of 13 has been provided in violation of these terms, please contact us at info@thetomorrowteacher.org.
If you are a Teacher and your school or district has not already obtained parental consent as required under COPPA, you agree to obtain parental consent for online collection of personal information from children under 13 prior to their use of the Services. When obtaining Consent, you must provide Parents with a copy of our Product Privacy Policy, which explains the types of personal information The Tomorrow Teacher may collect. We also recommend providing Parents with a copy of our Direct Notice to Educational Institutions.
A sample consent form can be found at: https://thetomorrowteacher.com/help/consent-form.
You must keep signed Consents on file and provide them to The Tomorrow Teacher upon our request. For more information on COPPA, please see: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/privacy-and-security/children%27s-privacy.
You acknowledge that The Tomorrow Teacher is not required to obtain consent directly from Parents under COPPA, and that The Tomorrow Teacher can presume that your authorization for the collection of Students’ personal information is based upon you having obtained the Parents’ consent.
E. Privacy and Security
You and The Tomorrow Teacher agree to comply with the requirements of all applicable privacy and security laws, including, but not limited to, COPPA, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and applicable State laws in the United States; the relevant Emirate and Federal laws in the United Arab Emirates; and the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union.
You acknowledge and agree that, to the extent necessary to provide the Services and fulfil its duties as outlined in this agreement, The Tomorrow Teacher may receive, collect, and process student Education Records and/or Personally Identifiable Information as a School Official with a legitimate educational interest under FERPA. The Tomorrow Teacher acknowledges and agrees that ownership of such records and/or information will remain with the school, Parent, and/or Student, as applicable.
For information regarding The Tomorrow Teacher’s treatment of Personal Information / Personally Identifiable Information and other user data, please review our Product and Website Privacy Policies, which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
F. Content and User Submissions on Services
1. Content
The Services and Content are intended solely for the educational use of Users and may only be used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Content is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.
You shall abide by all copyright notices, trademark rules, information, and restrictions contained in any Content accessed through the Services and, except as expressly provided in this Section E, shall not use, copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, upload, display, license, sell, or otherwise exploit for any purposes whatsoever any Content or third party submissions or other proprietary rights not owned by you (i) without the express prior written consent of the respective owners, and (ii) in any way that violates any third party right.
The Product and Website are protected by copyright as collective works and/or compilations under copyright laws and international conventions. Except as expressly provided in this Section E, you may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works based on, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials, or Services in whole or in part.
You may download or copy the Content (and other items displayed on the Website for download) for use within the Licensed Classes only or for personal home-use only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Content, but shall not store any significant portion of any Content in any form. Copying or storing of any Content other than for the purposes permitted by this document is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from The Tomorrow Teacher or from the copyright holder identified in such Content's copyright notice.
2. User Submissions
In the course of using the Services, Teacher and/or School or District Employee users may post or upload User Submissions to public forums, including Teacher forums and Administrator forums, on the Website. You shall be solely responsible for such User Submissions and the consequences of posting, publishing or distributing User Submissions on or through our Website.
Information and content uploaded to these Teacher or Administrator forums will be visible to other users and may also be used by The Tomorrow Teacher, but only in connection with providing the Services and in accordance with these terms and our Website Privacy Policy.
Student and Parent users are not permitted to post or upload User Submissions to public forums on the Website.
3. Content and User Submission Responsibilities
All User Submissions must comply with the requirements of all applicable privacy and security laws, including, but not limited to, COPPA, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and applicable State laws in the United States; the relevant Emirate and Federal laws in the United Arab Emirates; and the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union.
You hereby grant to The Tomorrow Teacher a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and revocable right to use your User Submission(s) within the Services and to make them available to other Users subject to the terms of our Product and Website Privacy Policies. Furthermore, subject to the terms of our Privacy Policies, you grant each User of the Services a non-exclusive license to access your User Submissions through the Services, and to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform such User Submissions as permitted through the functionality of the Services and under this Agreement. Furthermore, you understand that The Tomorrow Teacher retains the right to reformat, modify, create derivative works of, excerpt, and translate any User Submissions submitted, subject to the terms of the Privacy Policies.
You understand that all information publicly posted by Teacher, School or District Employees on the Website or privately transmitted by users through the Services is the sole responsibility of the person from which such information originated and that The Tomorrow Teacher will not monitor and will not be liable for any errors or omissions in any User Submissions.
You understand that The Tomorrow Teacher cannot guarantee the identity of any other users with whom Teacher, School or District Employees may interact in the course of using public forums on the Website. Additionally, The Tomorrow Teacher cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data that users of the Website may provide about themselves or any other subject.
You acknowledge that all Content accessed by you using the Services is at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss to any party resulting therefrom. Under no circumstances will The Tomorrow Teacher be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred in connection with use of or exposure to any Content posted, emailed, accessed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Services.
You acknowledge that you are responsible for the security of your User ID and password and agree to keep these confidential.
G. Your Responsibilities and Assurances
You hold sole responsibility for your User Submissions and the consequences arising from posting, publishing, or distributing them on or through the Services. For every User Submission you provide, you confirm, claim, and guarantee that: (i) you possess or have the requisite licenses, rights, approvals, and permissions to utilize and authorize us to use all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights in and to all such submissions. This allows for the inclusion and use of such submissions as anticipated by us and these Terms; and (ii) you have the written consent, release, and/or permission of each identifiable individual in such submissions to use the name or likeness of each identifiable individual. This allows for the inclusion and use of such submissions as anticipated by us and these Terms. In connection to this, you agree that you will not: (i) submit User Submissions that are copyrighted, safeguarded by trade secret, or otherwise subject to third-party proprietary rights, including privacy (e.g., COPPA, FERPA, etc.) and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner to post and distribute the material. You must also grant us all of the rights granted herein; (ii) publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could harm us or any third party; (iii) use the Services, including any Content therein, to harm minors or anyone in any way; (iv) pretend to be any person or entity, including, but not limited to, any of our officials, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your association with a person or entity; (v) submit material that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harmful to minors, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, violate any local, state, provincial, national, or international law, or is otherwise inappropriate; (vi) post advertisements or solicitations of business; or (vii) collect or store personal data about users without their express consent or in connection with the prohibited conduct and activities listed above.
You acknowledge that we do not screen User Submissions submitted to the Services, but we reserve the right to screen, review, flag, filter, modify, refuse, or remove any or all User Submissions or not publish or otherwise distribute User Submissions. We reserve the right to remove any User Submissions from the Services at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such User Submissions or if we are concerned that you may have violated the immediately preceding paragraph), or for no reason at all. You, not us, remain solely responsible for all User Submissions that you upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise disseminate using, or in connection with, the Services, and you guarantee that you possess all rights necessary to provide such User Submissions to us and to grant us the rights to use such information in connection with the Services and as otherwise provided herein.
You shall defend, indemnify, and hold us, our parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and employees harmless against any and all damages, losses, fines, costs, expenses (including attorneys’ fees), claims, and liabilities, asserted at any time, arising out of User Submissions, your access to the Services, use of the Services, violation of this Agreement, or the infringement by you or any third party using your account of any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity.
H. Usage Limitations
You are accountable for all of your activity in connection with the Services. Any fraudulent, abusive, or otherwise illegal activity may be grounds for termination of your right to access or use the Services.
You may not post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication or solicitation designed or intended to obtain password, account, or private information from any User.
Use of the Services to violate the security of any computer network, crack passwords or security encryption codes, transfer or store illegal material (including material that may be considered threatening or obscene), or engage in any kind of illegal activity is expressly prohibited.
You will not run Maillist, Listserv, any form of auto-responder, or "spam" on the Services, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged on to the Services, or that otherwise interfere with the proper working of or place an unreasonable load on the Services' infrastructure. Further, the use of manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to "crawl" or "spider" any page of the Services is strictly prohibited.
You will not decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code of the Services.
You may not transfer your account to anyone without express prior written consent from us.
I. Disclaimer of Warranties
We have no special relationship with or fiduciary duty to you. You acknowledge that we have no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding: which Users gain access to the Services; what Content you access via the Services; what effect the Content may have on you; how you may interpret or use the Content; or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content.
You release us from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Content through the Services.
We make no representations or warranties regarding suggestions or recommendations of services or products (including Content provided by publishers) offered or purchased through the Services. Products and services purchased or offered (whether or not following such recommendations and suggestions) are provided "AS IS'' without any warranty of any kind from us or others unless, with respect to others (only), otherwise made expressly and unambiguously in writing by a designated third party for a specific product.
The Services are provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or that use of the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free.
J. Registration
As a condition to using Services, you will be required to register with us and select or use a User ID. Further to your representation and warranty in the preamble to the Agreement, you shall provide us with accurate, complete, and updated registration information. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of this Agreement, which may result in immediate termination of your account.
You may not (i) select or use as a User ID a name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; or (ii) use as a User ID a name subject to any rights of a person other than you without appropriate authorization.
We reserve the right to refuse registration of or cancel a User ID in our discretion. You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password.
K. Fees for Individual Teacher Licenses
Teachers may subscribe to the paid version of our platform and in doing so will agree to the fees then in force for access to this version.
We reserve the right to change its price list for certain Services and to institute new charges at any time, upon notice to you. If you continue to use those Services following such notification, that use constitutes your acceptance of any new or increased charges.
We will automatically bill your Payment Method each month or year on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of your paying membership. Membership fees are fully earned upon payment. We reserve the right to change the timing of this billing, in particular, as indicated below, if your Payment Method has not successfully settled. In the event your paying membership began on a day not contained in a given month, we may bill your Payment Method on a day in the applicable month or such other day as we deem appropriate. For example, if you started your license on January 31st, your next payment date is likely to be February 28th, and your Payment Method would be billed on that date. Your billing date may change due to changes in your license.
Payments are nonrefundable and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. Following any cancellation, however, you will continue to have access to the services through the end of your prepayment period as identified in your Payment Plan. At any time, and for any reason, we may provide a refund, discount, or other consideration to some or all of our members ("credits"). The amount and form of such credits, and the decision to provide them, are at our sole and absolute discretion. The provision of credits in one instance does not entitle you to credits in the future for similar instances, nor does it obligate us to provide credits in the future, under any circumstance.
You may edit your Payment Method information by logging into the game and clicking on the "My Profile" link. If a payment is not successfully settled, due to expiration, insufficient funds, or otherwise, and you do not edit your Payment Method information or cancel your account, you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts and authorize us to continue billing the Payment Method, as it may be updated. This may result in a change to your payment billing dates. For certain Payment Methods, the issuer of your Payment Method may charge you a foreign transaction fee or other charges. Check with your Payment Method service provider for details.
You may cancel your license at any time, and you will continue to have access to the service through the end of your prepayment period as identified in your Payment Plan.
We reserve the right to terminate this agreement, or to change your services from a premium subscription to a free Subscription at any time that the payment is for any reason overdue by 15 days or more.
L. Third Party Integration Partners and Websites
The Product may allow you to connect to external Third Party Integration Partners for purposes that include, but are not limited to, logging into and rostering classes within the Product. You acknowledge that by choosing to enable any such third-party integrations, you are authorizing and directing us to share information with, and/or receive information from, the third-party integration partner(s). Depending on the purpose of the third-party integration, such information may include Education Records, Personally Identifiable Information, and Personal Information. You acknowledge that we do not control or oversee Third Party Integration Partners and that your use of such Third Party Integration Partners’ services is governed solely by the terms and conditions and privacy policies of those services. You further acknowledge that you are responsible for (i) ensuring that the third-party integrations you enable are appropriate for your intended use; (ii) understanding what information will be shared with the Third Party Integration Partners; and (iii) ensuring that your use of the third-party integration(s) complies with all applicable laws.
The Website, and User Submissions to the Product and/or Website, may contain links to third-party websites that are not owned or controlled by us. When you access third-party websites, you do so at your own risk. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Product or Website and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of each third-party website that you visit.
We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, terms of use, privacy policies, or practices of or opinions expressed in any third-party websites. In addition, we will not and cannot monitor, verify, censor, or edit the content of any third-party site.
By using the Services, you expressly relieve and hold us harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website. Your interactions with organizations and/or individuals found on or through the Services, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations and/or individuals. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.
If there is a dispute between users of the Services, or between users and any third party, you understand and agree that we are under no obligation to become involved. In the event that you have a dispute with one or more other users, you hereby release us, our officers, employees, agents, and successors in rights from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or our service.
M. Term and Termination
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for as long as you continue to use our platform with the User ID used to create your account.
As Parent or Student, you may terminate your use of the Services or account at any time by contacting your teacher or school or by contacting us at cancellations@ourplatform.com.
As Teacher or District or School Employee, in no event will the Agreement terminate before the end of the prepayment period or before the agreement with your school or district is terminated. The Agreement shall be considered terminated should it be cancelled by us under the terms of this agreement.
It is understood that the management of the Licensed Class is the responsibility of the Teacher, and that termination of the Agreement by the Teacher or school administration may automatically trigger the termination of the Student License Agreements for those Students in the Licensed Class, as well as that of the Parents of Students in the Licensed Class.
We may suspend or terminate your access to the Services or your account at any time, for any reason (without cause or for your violation of any term of this Agreement), and without warning or notice, which may result in the forfeiture and destruction of all information associated with your account. Upon termination of your account, your right to access and use the Services will immediately cease. We are not under any obligation to provide access to User Submissions after the termination of this agreement.
All provisions of this Agreement which, by their nature, should survive termination, shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, and limitations of liability.
In the event of termination of this agreement by us, we shall not be held liable for any damages in excess of the fee(s) paid to use the Services.
The early termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not operate to limit any rights or remedies available to us that accrued prior to termination or expiration hereof.
We will delete all User information, including User Submissions according to its Privacy Policies.
N. Applicable Law
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates, without regard to conflict of law rules which would cause the laws of any other jurisdiction to apply. Any and all disputes, claims, and questions regarding the interpretation, performance, and enforceability of this Agreement, and the rights and remedies of the parties hereunder, and any action or judicial proceeding related thereto shall be initiated and prosecuted exclusively within the jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates. The parties agree to submit and hereby irrevocably attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.
O. General Terms
Note that, by using the Services, you may receive email or text messages on your phone or mobile device, which may cause you to incur usage charges or other fees or costs in accordance with your wireless or data service plan. Furthermore, should you access the Product from a mobile device or via the internet you may be subject to data usage charges. Any and all such charges, fees, or costs are your sole responsibility. You should consult with your wireless and/or internet carrier to determine what rates, charges, fees, or costs may apply to your use of the Services.
We shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations hereunder where such failure results from any cause beyond our reasonable control, including, without limitation, mechanical, electronic, or communications failure or degradation (including "line-noise" interference).
If a provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, any other provision contained herein shall be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
No negligence or waiver by either party to exercise a right shall be deemed to be or construed as a waiver by either party of its rights.
You shall not assign, transfer, or sublicense this Agreement except with our prior written consent.
We may assign, transfer, or delegate this Agreement and our rights and obligations without your consent.
Both parties agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications, and other understandings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, and that, subject to Section B.4, all modifications must be in a writing signed by both parties, except as otherwise provided herein.
This Agreement and any subsequent versions of this Agreement posted to the Product and/or Website will be deemed a writing signed by both parties.
No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of this Agreement and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind us in any respect whatsoever.
The effective date of this version of this Agreement is Aug 1, 2023.